Drinking Culture in the UK | Cheers!

Let’s talk about the drinking culture in the UK! After living in England for a few years, I wanted to share some of my observations about what it’s like to drink as a Brit.
I also wanted to compare how the drinking culture in the UK is a bit different to what I’m used to back in Canada.
Hope you enjoy! Cheers!
Mark White
Hello Alanna, your personality does lend itself well to the mildly ridiculous observations you have about the u.k. It’s entertaining. If you’re a cider drinker you should take a look at Somerset and glocester region of the u.k. This area is known for its cider production and apples, take a look online there might be tours or tasting sessions for tourists, you could probably get a coach from Victoria coach station in London which you can reach from Medway, so it’s a cheap fun weekend as Somerset is only 4 hours from London at most by coach, possibly 3 hours. May your confused brain be mildly intoxicated for our amusement!! . I do wonder if you only broadcast after a concussion as there’s uncertainty in everything you do, very entertaining, like an elderly confused person who has wandered off and found themselves in another country!! . Is it a subtle flirtation with the hope a man might rescue you from your YouTube channel and take you away into marital and material bliss? Or is your channel a cry for help?
Whatever I like the content and the foreign presenting style, worth my time fumbling with YouTube to find your views on the u.k, it’s fun, random and sometimes interesting.
Kind regards. Mark. Milton Keynes. United Kingdom. (Physics repairman).
Ken Hawkins
Hi Alanna,a pilsnar is basically a lager in the uk,a true beer in this country is a brown colour,like a spitfire,not a goldy colour,and if you are not to keen on the taste,you can add,or get a bar person,if in a pub,a shot of lemonade,lime or blackcurrant to give it a sweeter taste,as for cider,you want to try,the old english type which is a dry rather then sweet taste.A good drink that will get you slaughtered very quickly,is half old english cider,and half guinness in the same glass.Back in the late 90’s,or the beginning of the 21st century,the licencing laws changed,so you could buy alcohol 24/6,which was great for us workers whom worked nights,popping into tesco on the way home at 3-5am and picking up a 4,6,or larger pack,to help you sleep.I am curious that you don’t mention,the various eating establishments that are,in close proximity to a pub,that stay open a little longer the the pubs do,kebabery’s,chinese and indian takeaways,in my town,Harlow,we have little hatches,pub at one end,a few shops in between and mostly a chinky or indian at the other end,so you could feast on top of the alcohol you had consumed. Catch you later.Kendo
Mark White
Hello Alanna, I’m sorry to hear of your immigration troubles, it seems far more sensible to re apply here (u.k) but that’s not happening. It is likely a new government is “cleaning house” and starting with immigration checking for criminals, terrorists and maniacs who shouldn’t be here, unfortunately you got the rough end of it with your visa expiring when it did, another year or two it would not have mattered.
You have already been here for 4 years and working without any arrests or convictions and paying tax so you have an excellent chance of a new visa, the government would likely want encourage positive migrants with a record like yours, you are a victim of a beaurocratic audit most likely after years of faulty immigration law and enforcement.
I have to say you are well qualified to tell Canadians all about the u.k , your photo montage proves it, a one woman guide to all things British. Go back to Canada have a “Timmy’s” and wait you will be back when you want once the visa is through. The only viewer change will be the grey “couch” in the background, keep broadcasting weird fun videos. Kind regards. Mark.(physics repairman). Milton Keynes United Kingdom .