Worst tourist behaviours in the UK | as voted by Brits Thoughts from Alanna… Tourists in the UK.. stop being annoying! Here’s everything that British people wish tourists in February 13, 2024Read more
7 British Facts That Totally Surprised Me Thoughts from Alanna… As a Canadian living in the UK, check out these 7 British facts that totally April 1, 2022Read more
How can you tell when you’re in a British bathroom? #shorts Thoughts from Alanna… You thought I wasn’t bored enough to make a video on British bathrooms, eh? You November 27, 2020Read more
How can you tell when you’re in a British home #shorts Thoughts from Alanna… You know you’re in a British home when..! This #short explains how you can tell November 20, 2020Read more
11 STRANGEST British TV Shows (as per me, a non-Brit!) Thoughts from Alanna… You ever turn on the TV in the UK and are shocked at what you August 25, 2020Read more
13 British Traits Foreigners Hate Thoughts from Alanna… Here are 13 British traits all foreigners hate! As a foreigner who lived in England June 10, 2020Read more
Foreigner Pronounces 10 Hardest British Places Thoughts from Alanna… This week I try pronouncing the 10 hardest British places as a foreigner. You knew June 3, 2020Read more
10 Weird British Laws | Don’t Break the Law in the UK! Thoughts from Alanna… This week I share the 10 weirdest British laws that are still official! Who knew February 11, 2020Read more
I Can’t Make That – Welsh Rarebit Thoughts from Alanna… This week I wanted to try my hand at making some Welsh rarebit, a common October 2, 2019Read more