Can I get British Citizenship? Life in the UK Test

After living in England for 5 years, can I pass the Life in the UK Test? In order to get citizenship, you need to pass this test!
After living in England for 5 years, can I pass the Life in the UK Test? In order to get citizenship, you need to pass this test!
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Kevan Parker
My wife came here from Kenya in 1997, around year 2000 she went for British citizenship. they sent her a form which she had to get two neighbours to write saying she was a worthy neighbour to be a citizen also her employer had to sign it. She sent it off and then they sent her a form to take to a solicitor where she had to swear allegiance to Queen and Country they stamped and signed it she sent off one hundred quid or so and they sent her a certificate saying she was now a citizen.