16 British words all foreigners should use

This week I wanted to share 16 British words that I use as a Canadian – and why all foreigners should use them, too! Even though I’m not living in England anymore, these British words have worked their way into my vocabulary and in my life in Canada.
Hope you enjoy!
Hiya Alanna,watched one of your previous stints and noticed you use the word public transportation,which made me laugh,as its bit of a mouthful,we in uk just say public transport,and saying that here would be classed as a right muppet,nutter,numpty,muppet,loony are all terms for being stupid or and idiot,one word you evidently has not heard off,is dodgy,someone whom is a bit dodgy,or the work done is dodgy,means they or it,is not right,or correct,there are loads of words like this,or tons of of it,we might say,like the words piss or pissed,piss means say going to the loo,having a piss(urinating) taking the piss,either your having a pop at someone in a sarcastic manner,or you may say it if someone is charging you too much for something,pissed is either your angry or drunk,you may get pissed at your partner for being pissed out of their skull,pissing about or pissing you life away,the first is mucking about,generally not doing anything,the second is,wasting your life,or having to wait for something that is a time waster. We all going to meet down the pub,one of my friends brings his dodgy mate again with him,whom we are a bit weary of,because last time he got pissed out of his skull,pissed a lot of us off due to him pissing about so much,mind you he did get the piss taken out of him(sarcasm)a lot,by most of the people in the pub,when he did go for a piss,we all pissed off(fled)to another pub,got a round in at this pub,and found it to be more expensive then the dive we had left,they are totally taking the piss with their pricing,mind you there were loads of women at this place that made up for the over priced drinks,and no dopey bollocks(dodgy mate) to screw us up,result,we was well sorted,until we found out it was a gay pub,and the women weren’t interested in us,so just got well mullered(drunk) till closing time. Cheers for reading. Kendo
Hi…nice to see a great video about where I come from…some bits ya may or may not know about two words you used in ya video…bins is also slang in the uk for glasses…ie spectacles and the phrase right…can be used as “yeah right” as in I disagree with you but I’m not going to argue,just want you to know you are wrong….if that makes sense lol … good video laters
Alanna, have you considered a t shirt phrase ” we have a lot to get through and I don’t want to throw up” this could be your catchphrase, great for video intro’s or outro’s or wear it on a t shirt on your YouTube videos. Your clumsy honesty amuses viewers and makes you Britain’s favourite Canadian. Keep on stumbling through your videos funny. Kind regards Mark.