Canadian living in England returns home | Reverse culture shock

As a Canadian living in England, it was only a matter of time before moving back home to Canada (even if it’s only temporary). This week, I wanted to share some reverse culture shock moments with you – weird things I’ve noticed about Canada after living abroad for so long!
Hi Alanna,the reason why they don’t sell huge amounts of drugs such as paracetamol to one person in the uk,is due to you maybe taking an overdose,only getting 12-16 tabs,may not stop you doing it,as you can go to another shop or store,but in that time from one shop to another one,you may have changed your mind,and also the shops that you acquired them from,cannot be responsible for your actions. In the UK,we are in lockdown,not quarantine,so allowed to go and get groceries,take the dog for a walk,jogging or other exercises,as long as we are two metres away from other people whom are not from our households,grocery shopping is one metre apart,or in the old English measurement,one yard and three inches,the old measurement alongside the metre is still used in certain shops,a lot of the plus points of the coronavirus is,traffic is light to get to and from the shops,Hardly,any air traffic,in my area,flying overhead,heading for stansted airport,so light ground and air traffic means the air is cleaner to breath in,and less noisy,and with the majority of kids off school,it is much quieter,due to them being stuck inside. Cheers for reading this Kendo.
wayne carr
Came upon this by accident but have visited before when you were in England. Didn’t know you had left but interesting to hear of your culture lag and sense of being between worlds, as it were. You are a natural at this, exuding warmth and confidence, despite the odd hiccups so well done. At the moment the whole world seems unsettled so you’ve time to adjust. Hope by and large you have enriching memories of England to keep you warm in the future and maybe then, should you return, you will have the experience of having to re-adjust once more. Vive la difference!