[VIDEO] How British Homes are Different | Canadian Living in England

This week I wanted to share some ways in which British homes are different to Canadian homes! There’s actually a LOT to talk about, so this one is a bit long… and I didn’t even mention everything!
I love both England and Canada, but they definitely have their own style when it comes to homes. Although I could really use some Canadian home air conditioning right about now…
I also wanted to let everyone know that I’m doing a livestream Q&A on Youtube this Thursday, 25 July at 7pm local time! I’m almost at 40K subscribers and thought it would be something fun to share with you guys. Feel free to bring your questions!
Hope to see you there 🙂
Richard Lonsdale
Good luck with your Live Stream. I’m live streaming a full town council tonight (on a budget – all the equiptment totals <£25 (except the laptop)) and it's a real headache – but it's been a huge and fun learning curve getting to that point.
It's also required me talking to myself an awfull lot to test mics and camera – be OK if I had anything interesting to say 🙂
Like the videos very funny!! Also informative! You realise land in uk is almost 5 x more expensive than canada and usa so homes are smaller because you cannot make your country bigger! I have lived in many european countries and they are also very different to uk! Just like you I can acclimatise and get used to it but there is no place like home!! It is just what was your normal life and comfortable and things change. Very funny to see how you view uk compared to canada. Atleast you are surviving!! Best wishes. Geoff Rotterdam!
Sherry Hall
LOL … “whatever the kids say…” says the kid….
I heard a lot of my German friends complain about the water taps above the bathtub.
In Germany, where I’m from, they have a so called “mixer”, which mixes hot and cold water into ONE tap which is much better … especially if you’re having a shower.
Oh – showers ! Sometimes in UK they just have a rubber tube which you strip over the taps…
Oh bathrooms ! I once stayed in a place (sharing) in one corner of the bathroom there was a mushroom growing almost 5 cm large with several branches !
They used to have wall-to- wall carpets (!) in the bathrooms. How hygienic is that. I think it’s ok to have a small bathroom rug, but a carpet. Well, it did look “well lived in” in some places 🙂
I think nowadays they don’t do it anymore…
And they sell houses as with 3 bedrooms, although one of the “bedrooms” is a so called “boxroom” – about 1.5 x 1.5 meters – hilarious.
Once I was offered a small house with a winter garden or conservatory for rent. I thought – oh nice. The “winter garden” turned out to be a 1.0 by 2.5 meters large shack stuck to the house and the windows were plastic windows.
After several attempts and for other reasons I eventually moved back to Germany 🙂
I enjoy your videos… Robert …