[VIDEO] Canadian Christmas Presents Thoughts from Alanna… I’m back to England! Why not go through Christmas presents because that’s still relevant, right? Also January 17, 2018Read more
[VIDEO] Freezing My Toes Off in Canada Thoughts from Alanna… After a wonderful first week of visiting family and friends in Canada, it was only January 10, 2018Read more
[VIDEO] Follow Me To Canada, Eh? Thoughts from Alanna… I was lucky this year to spend Christmas day with my family in Canada. Here’s December 28, 2017Read more
[VIDEO] Canadian Tries Christmas British Treats Thoughts from Alanna… Who doesn’t love to tuck into some Christmas British treats? Why not film it?? I December 13, 2017Read more
[VIDEO] What’s Bonfire Night? Thoughts from Alanna… First, let’s pretend I’m posting this while it’s still relevant.. Remember, remember the 5th of November 15, 2017Read more
[VIDEO] All You Need To Know About Visiting Copenhagen Thoughts from Alanna… As promised, I made this video with all the details about visiting Copenhagen! Learn about August 30, 2017Read more
[VIDEO] Follow Me to Copenhagen Thoughts from Alanna… Recently I had my first experience visiting Copenhagen, Denmark! I can easily say this is August 23, 2017Read more
[VIDEO] Celebrating Canada Day 150 in London Thoughts from Alanna… Happy Canada Day 150, everyone! I decided to celebrate in London this year and filmed July 2, 2017Read more