Don’t Be Rude in England! | 8 Tips for Foreigners

This week I wanted to share 8 tips for foreigners living in England! As a Canadian I’ve been living in England for nearly four years – these are some of the things I’ve picked up!
Of course everyone is different, and different parts of the country will be different, but these are just my experiences.
Hope you enjoy! Remember: don’t be rude in England!
Your radiators are full of bricks? What are you talking about girl?
Have you seen the size of radiators in the uk,the thiness of them,if yours have bricks in them,they are lego one’s,i think your getting mixed up with washing machines,Oh and why we employ radiators instead of warm air vents,you can’t put semi wet clothing on air vents to dry them out
Ted Blair (@tedblair)
Alanna is presumably referring to storage heaters rather than a traditional radiator.
They were common back in the 70s/80s when the bricks would be heated up overnight when the cost of electricity was cheaper (yes, really) – Economy 7 was the rate. Still seem to be popular…